Ex-TRS Editors: We Have Moved On With Our Lives, SG Politics No Longer Concern Us

<Facebook clarification by Former TRS Editors>

Dear TRS Eaters,

We heard many of you have come down to our stalls to show your support after reading this recent mainstream media article.

Thanks for taking the time to try our ramen, we hope you enjoyed it!

For those of you that we chit chatted with, it was nice getting to know you all and for those who didn’t get a chance to meet us or talk to us, we are sincerely sorry we missed you.

At the moment, we are unable to dispute or comment on issues pertaining to our case, such as the claims made by MDA and Minister Yaacob Ibrahim that the TRS website was run mainly by foreigners deliberately fabricating news to sow hatred, as the case is still presently before the courts. Even if we say we didn’t or that we are not made up mainly of foreigners, it will not clear up anything until the case is presented in court and the judge makes the final verdict.

However, we are working with our lawyers to address these claims and the charges and we are sure that the truth about all these issues will come out in the near future when the case goes to trial.

For those who asked about our lives in general, thank you for your care and concern. It has not been an easy journey this year. A lot of things have happened including one of our family members suffering a serious brainstem stroke and developing a rare neurological condition called ‘locked-in’ syndrome.

We have decided to start a simple business to support our family including covering the high medical fees as well as the ongoing costs of care.

We are moving on with our lives and we are again grateful for the encouragement we have received from all TRS readers. Singapore politics will no longer concern us or be a topic of discussion within our family.

However, we hope that we can continue serving you quality ramen in the future!

Your thoughts?

Source: www.allsingaporestuff.com


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