Tag Archive: ASEAN

Bintan Resorts Stop Accepting Singapore Dollars, All Transactions in Rupiah

SINGAPORE: Several hotels and resorts in the Indonesian island of Bintan have stopped accepting Singapore dollars since the start of this month, citing a government policy that requires all transactions to be made in the Indonesian rupiah. Five hotel operators,…
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Polemik LGBTQ di Singapura: Kenyataan Rasmi ABIM

Atas semangat persaudaraan Islam dan muhibbah komuniti ASEAN, Angkatan Belia Islam Malaysia (ABIM) merasa terpanggil untuk menyatakan keprihatinan terhadap usaha-usaha komuniti Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transgender (LGBT) di Singapura menyebarkan dakyah negatif terhadap Dr. Syed Muhd Khairuddin , seorang Pensyarah Jabatan…
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Singapore and Indonesia: An Uneasy Coexistence?

The latest tensions to emerge between Singapore and Indonesia—this time after Indonesia named a naval warship for two marines executed for a 1965 bombing in Singapore—caught many political observers by surprise. Relations in recent years had remained cordial despite several…
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