Tag Archive: Islamic State of Iraq and Syria

Captured Malaysian ISIS ‘Jihadists’ Plan to Bomb Putrajaya

While concern for the atrocities committed by Israel in Gaza reaches an all-time high, a far more insidious threat is growing, and cannot be ignored any longer. In Syria and Iraq, a war is being fought by the Islamic State,…
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Five Malaysians Wanted For Suspected Militan Activities

KUALA LUMPUR: LESS than a decade after local militant groups were thought to have been neutralised, security agencies are warning of the emergence of four new terror organisations. Intelligence sources told the New Straits Times that these four groups, permutations of earlier…
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Syrian girl stoned to death for using Facebook account

Rakka, Syria: A young girl was stoned to death by sunni-militant groups in Syria for operating Facebook account. Fatoum Al-Jassem was taken to a Sharia court after she was caught using the social networking website, in Rakka, Syria. The Sharia court declared…
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