Tag Archive: Khairulanwar Zaini

LGBT Issue: Obama Declaring War on Religion, Bullying People of Faith

Dear Mr. President, I write to you today as a concerned citizen of our great nation, standing as a witness against your historic actions on the morning of July 21, 2014, actions which I hope you will one day repudiate…
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Wearwhite Ready to Help People Grappling With Same-Sex-Attraction

    This evening I met someone for the first time. I received a msg from the wearwhite folks earlier in the day, requesting me to meet up with a person who was asking for help with Same Sex Attraction…
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Confession of an Ex-Muslim Lesbian

Greetings R1C, I have a confession to make. I was formerly a Muslim who was interested in girls. It starts because I was confused about myself. Ever since I was young, I know that I dun really like boys. I…
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The ‘Fundamentalists’ and the ‘Progressives’

Of late, the Muslim ‘Progressives’ in Singapore have been more vocal and assertive; and I welcome this. Previously, they worked behind the scenes and used to detest being labeled as ‘liberal Muslims’ and the like. It is high time they…
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