Tag Archive: Muslims

Perlu Perpaduan Dalam Gerakan Kembali Ke Fitrah-Wear White 2014

Baru-baru ni, ada pergerakan memakai putih untuk kembali ke fitrah, pada 28 June ini. Ada juga yg tidak memberi sokongan atas alasan, ‘kalau nak kembali ke fitrah, tidak perlu memakai putih. Sembarang warna pun boleh.’ Di sini masalah orang Islam. Berpecahan….
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94% Singapore Muslims Are Against Same Sex Relationship

SINGAPORE — Religion is important to their identity, and Muslims and Protestant Christians are the two religious groups that are most affected by and most disapproving when friends or family members of the same faith give up their religious beliefs….
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SG Muslims Don’t Hate LGBTQ

Bismilaahirrahmaanirraheem… Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb. Dear My Muslim LGBTQ Brothers and Sisters… There’s something we need to confess to you. We, straight Muslims, do not hate you. In fact, we have never hated you. True, we may seem aggressive with our…
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Time for Muslim MPs To Take a Stand on Malay and Muslim Issues

WP MP Faisal Manap raises some concerns of Muslims, as expressed in the Suara Musyawarah Report, in Parliament. Instead of addressing the issue head-on, PAP Muslim MPs tries to corner Faisal into taking a stand on the issue (which he…
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