Tag Archive: Khan Osman Sulaiman

President Who Can Speak Malay Is Useless If Not Independent

Some quarters of my community weren’t too happy that presidential hopeful, Salleh Marican, wasnt fluent in Malay. Rightfully so. Malay is our National Language. To be the president of Singapore, the people expect hopeful candidates to at least be able…
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Khan Osman Sulaiman: Why Do People Claim Themselves Malay Only When There’s Something To Gain From It?

The Malays take all the negative stereotyping people throw at them. The Indian Muslims, Arabs, Javanese, Boyanese, Ceylonese will quickly distance themselves when asked whether are they Malays. But when there are privileges on hand, everyone wants to be a…
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Osman Sulaiman: If Cannot Solve, Then PAP Malay MPs Should Not Hinder Progress On Hijab Issue

The gov would of course like to generalize anyone who brings up the tudung issue as trying to ‘sow discord’ or raising ‘divisive’ matters. In fact, anyone who brought the matter up will be painted as a hardliner, extremist and…
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Khan Osman Sulaiman: Is Masagos Zulkifli Encouraging Coffeeshop Talk Instead Of Serious Debate In Parliament?

Hope to meet Minister Masagos outside of parliament so that I can ask him point blank about what he thinks about the gov who discriminate against people who wear the tudung. Apparently, if someone raises the issue in parliament, it…
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