Tag Archive: LGBTQ

The Reading Group, MUIS and Liberal Islam

Rather than focusing merely on the LGBT issue, Muslims need to realize the bigger issue at hand; the liberal leanings & ideology that is currently reshaping our religion. The Liberal Islam movement in this region is not new. It is…
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To maintain credibility, NUS must respect academic freedom

Having studied at a local university, I have observed that students and even professors faced intimidation and retaliation when they attempted to discuss issues such as homosexuality. Those holding and expressing conservative views were often ridiculed as ignorant or homophobic…
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Pastor Lawrence Khong Weighs In on LGBTQ vs NUS Professor Saga

I watched with dismay as a Malay Studies Professor was insulted and intimidated by two alumni and a student for posting his personal views regarding “alternative modes of sexual orientation” on Facebook. This action constitutes an attack on free conscience…
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Syed Khairudin Aljunied Clarifies Personal View on LGBTQ

Some Clarifications Dear Friends, There has been coverage in the press about my postings about the LGBT movement in Singapore. While the media has provided coverage for the LGBT supporters, so far, little coverage has been provided to those that…
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Polemik LGBTQ di Singapura: Kenyataan Rasmi ABIM

Atas semangat persaudaraan Islam dan muhibbah komuniti ASEAN, Angkatan Belia Islam Malaysia (ABIM) merasa terpanggil untuk menyatakan keprihatinan terhadap usaha-usaha komuniti Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transgender (LGBT) di Singapura menyebarkan dakyah negatif terhadap Dr. Syed Muhd Khairuddin , seorang Pensyarah Jabatan…
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