Tag Archive: cancer

FMSA Issues Statement to NUS Provost in Support of Prof Syed Khairudin Aljunied

FMSA’s official statement on the matter of Letter of Concern to NUS Provost on A/Prof Dr Syed Muhd Khairudin Aljunied. Source: Secretariat Fmsa, Damanhuri Abas, Hairudin Hamid Read the ENTIRE chronology of saga in category ‘AGAMA’: Singapore Murtad Association Pokes Fun…
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Homosexuality and Liberal Islam are Dangerous to Singapore

I was recently made aware of the uproar over my dear friend Prof Dr Syed Khairudin Aljunied and his post on the wall of his personal Facebook account.I do not see why is there a need to make a big…
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