Tag Archive: Islamic State

Singapore In The Anti-IS Coalition: A Missed Opportunity

Bismillahirrahmanirrahim I’ve debated whether to post this. Decided I should. In the last few weeks, there was an issue that was extremely important for the Muslim community here to address. Yet as a whole, we did not. For whatever reasons….
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Saudi Arabia Keluar Fatwa Untuk Jelaskan Mengapa Islam Harus Tolak IS

RIYADH: Kepimpinan kanan ulama Arab Saudi telah mengeluarkan fatwa baru yang mengisytiharkan pengganasan sebagai “jenayah kejam” di bawah undang-undang syariah – yang merupakan satu lagi komitmen kerajaan Saudi untuk menolak IS dan kekejaman militan itu kononnya sebagai perjuangan atas nama…
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Singapore To Contribute Personnel and Equipment to Multinational Coalition Against IS

SINGAPORE – Singapore will play its part in the multinational coalition battling the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS) by contributing personnel and equipment, said Defence Minister Ng Eng Hen in Parliament on Monday. This is part and parcel…
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