Tag Archive: Muslim

LGBT Agenda And Activism In Singapore

Homosexual activists have always claimed that there is no gay agenda. However, by watching how homosexuality has gained acceptance elsewhere, especially in some Western countries like the U.S., we know that this is a blatant lie. Moreover, U.S. President Barack…
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Mohd Khair: IS Kumpulan Iblis Dan Syaitan Yang Bertujuan Untuk Menghancurkan Islam

IS ni memang kumpulan Iblis dan Syaitan yang misi sebenarnya adalah menghancurkan Islam dari dalam. IS sekarang sengaja buat kacau di Gaza agar Palestin terus diserang Israel. Dan banyak pula lapuran-lapuran lain yang mengaitkan IS dengan regim kejam Zionis yang…
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Helpline Launched To Fight Radicalisation Threat

As terrorist group ISIS’ prolific reach becomes more apparent by the day, the Religious Rehabilitation Group (RRG) has come up with three measures to counter the growing threat of self-radicalisation in Singapore, including a new helpline that will be available…
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