A Chinese-Muslim Convert’s Experience With Ignorance In Singapore

I need to get this off my chest.

I was seeing a new doctor yesterday (4th time this month, don’t ask) and she expressed surprise that my name sounded ‘Chinese’ when I’m wearing a hijab (and therefore look like a Muslim aka. Malay in Singapore). So I said I’m Chinese Muslim, yes, my family is Chinese, yes, I’m the only Muslim in my family, yes, I’m a convert to Islam, yes.

Then she asked me why I converted. Usual question.
Me: “I researched.” (Shortest answer, I’ve figured, that prevents unnecessary questions and only engages those who really want to know more, because, what bores people more than research?! hahaa)

And then she says this.
“Huh. You researched? Don’t research until become ISIS ah!”

I’m not offended, no don’t get me wrong. I’ve had this said to me a few times before. But today I feel so strongly about it and am just appalled to know that it has come to the stage whereby learning and gaining knowledge in Islam can be viewed as a route to becoming ‘brainwashed to terrorism’.

Ever since my reversion close to 3 years ago (I turn 3 in 10 days time, yay!), I’ve met countless Muslims and Muslim converts in Singapore week after week, class after class. Muslims who are so knowledgeable in their field of work, AND in Islamic knowledge. Scientists, mathematicians, historians- and what they all have in common is the knowledge in Islam which sets the strongest foundation in whatever they do. And I’m learning from an ustaz who has no professional certification to his name, yet embodies the humility and disposition of people who have spent years of their lives gaining more and more knowledge. Such people are overflowing with wisdom, but they don’t ever stop learning. As my ustaz would say, “The more you know, the more you realise you don’t know.”

To all my friends out there, you’ve got nothing to be afraid of, because the epitome of a Muslim lies in gaining knowledge. And the more knowledge we gain, the less we ‘become ISIS’ (I cringe even writing this sentence). What they do/ claim to do in the name of Islam, they are no more than a bunch of terrorists. Got that? Just Terrorists. No “Islamic extremists” or “fundamentalists” or “Islamists”- just terms that the media has coined to make you believe that we Muslims have got anything to do with that bunch- when in fact we are as much related to them as you are.

Now let me go back to my jihad of trying to be as patient as I can and not have a sarcastic comeback everytime someone tries to link me to ISIS. Ugh.

The Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ- peace be upon him) said: “A servant of God will remain standing on the Day of Judgment until he is questioned about his time on earth and how he used it; about his knowledge and how he utilized it; about his wealth and from where he acquired it and in what activities he spent it; and about his body and how he used it.” (Al-Tirmidhi, Hadith 148)


Source: Maryem Chin

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