Normal Americans Show Solidarity With Muslim Neighbours In Face Of Donald Trump

Today in front of our mosque, the Islamic Center of San Diego, we saw these two men, one with his son and the other with his daughter, holding up signs in support of the Muslim community.

My girls were very touched by this and we decided to pick something up for them and go back to thank them in person. We opted for a gift for the kids and drove back to the mosque to give it to them. I asked if they were with a faith based group or were there representing an organization and they said, “No, we’re just a couple of friends who want to make sure everyone in our city feels welcomed.”

While we spoke with them, other people came up to them with cookies, gatorade and other refreshments they had purchased from the mosque store. The feeling of brotherhood and sisterhood on that street corner was tangible.

Despite what we might see on the news, there is still much goodness in our world–I am very hopeful. I pray such feelings of unity spread throughout our nation and across our world.


Source: Marwa Abdalla

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