
MUIS aims to improve social service accessibility and religious education

SINGAPORE: Malay-Muslim families who receive social assistance from the Islamic Religious Council of Singapore (MUIS) will soon be able to get help under one roof. Speaking in Parliament on Tuesday, Minister-in-Charge of Muslim Affairs Dr Yaacob Ibrahim said MUIS is…
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Dr MAZA: Bomoh mengamalkan amalan khurafat boleh mengelirukan golongan bukan Islam

PETALING JAYA: Sehubungan pendedahan seorang bomoh bahawa pesawat MH370 yang hilang kini tergantung di alam ghaib, mantan Mufti Perlis Dr Mohd Asri Zainul Abidin hari ini membidas golongan tersebut. Melalui posting Facebooknya hari ini, bomoh yang mengamalkan amalan khurafat ini…
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Film ‘Noah’, Blockbuster Starring Russell Crowe Banned in Arab Countries One of the world’s most respected Islamic institutions has issued a fatwa against a Hollywood epic about Noah’s Ark because it ‘contradicts the teachings of Islam’. Russell Crowe’s £75million film Noah has also been banned in three Arab countries…
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Of LGBTQ Lobby and Liberal Islam – Trends in the Muslim Community

    Bismillahirrahmanirrahim The Mauqif – Standing point Saiyyidina Abu Bakr as Siddiq rad. holds a special place within the Ummah. Indeed, there is a hadith that says after the Ambiya, the first to enter Jannah among this Ummah is…
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Christian Thinks Disappearance of MH370 airplane is a punishment from God towards Muslims

Greetings True Christians, I literally just posted on the fact that God hates Islam when the Holy Spirit led me to an article about Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370 disappearing en route to China. Malaysia is a heathen country filled with…
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