
Commentary: No Other Possible Way Of Calling A Spade A Spade, Similarly A Kelong President

PAP’s Kelong Presidency Some people, especially my Malay FB friends, are not happy that I use the hashtag #MadamKelongPresident against Halimah. They seem to think that I am disrespectful to her just because she is Malay President?! That is utter…
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Satire Becomes Reality As North Korea Really Sends Congratulatory Message To President Halimah Yacob

With Halimah Yacob strolling straight into the highest office in the land as the country’s new president, folks have pointed out the similarities Singapore shared in the election process to a certain country that also has its leader unanimously “voted”…
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Commentary: Why Only Protest Against An EP Reserved For Malays? It Involves Only One Job Opportunity..

SENSITIVE! BUT I AM SAYING IT AS A MATTER OF FACT: Some people are organising a protest against Reserved Presidential Election tomorrow @Hong Lim Park. They claim it is for fairness & an open system. This year’s EP was RESERVED…
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Damanhuri Abas: Pemimpin-Pemimpin Melayu PAP Diam Sepi Membisu, Membolehkan Pemerintah Terus Menerus Lakukan Diskriminasi

Siakap senohong gelama ikan duri. Bercakap bohong lama-lama mencuri. Peribahasa yg penuh hikmah diketepikan bangsa sendiri demi menegakkan benang yg basah. 1. Jangan sekali-sekali menipu kerana ia akan menjadi tabiat buruk yg membinasakan. 2. Pemimpin Melayu PAP dulu sekarang dan…
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