Tag Archive: ISIS

Helpline Launched To Fight Radicalisation Threat

As terrorist group ISIS’ prolific reach becomes more apparent by the day, the Religious Rehabilitation Group (RRG) has come up with three measures to counter the growing threat of self-radicalisation in Singapore, including a new helpline that will be available…
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RRG Terbit Buku Panduan Tangani Fahaman Ideologi ISIS

Kumpulan Pemulihan Agama (RRG) telah mengambil beberapa langkah demi mempergiat usaha menangani ideologi pelampau menyusuli kes belia radikal sendiri baru-baru ini. Ini termasuk menghasilkan buku panduan kaunseling ketiganya, mengadakan lebih banyak ceramah di masjid dan memperkenalkan satu talian bagi membolehkan orang…
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Self-Radicalised Persons In Singapore

The Ministry of Home Affairs said on Wednesday that it had detained a 19-year-old self-radicalised Singaporean student who was planning to join terrorist group Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS) and planning attacks here, and arrested another radicalised youth,…
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