Tag Archive: scams

Beware: Renovation Company Cheats Customers

REMINDER to all my FB frens…this couple still at large of cheating home owners who wants to renovate their home. Spread this to ur love one. More n more people are being cheated week after week. Act fast! Latest update…
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Beware: Ultrasonic Get-Rich-Quick Scheme? Another Galaxy Trio Scam in the Making

      Like many other concerned public who have written about Galaxy Trio and Ultrasonic on the Internet, I was threatened, my family was harassed, and we were thrown with numerous insults when discussing about the legitimacy of their money…
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Galaxy Trio and Get-Rich-Quick Schemes Are Scams

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=251EOwBSvgY If you see fraud, and you do not call fraud, you are a fraud. Recently I have noticed a large number of ‘get-rich-quick’ (GRQ) schemes that seem to target the Malay community such as Galaxy Trio. Galaxy Trio claims that…
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