SG Motivational Speaker Comment on Brunei Islamic Laws During Ramadan, Anger Muslims

Jannah Jakasha Adam Khoo

Adam khoo successs brunei singapore



So who is Adam Khoo?




Even Bruneians are angry at him. Count himself lucky that the Sultan of Brunei didn’t any serious action for his silly comments.

Or maybe the Sultan of Brunei hasn’t read it yet?

Brunei sultan

Ahim Rani/Reuters


adam khoo brunei singapore adam khoo brunei singapore_2

Images by Jannah Jakasha



Steady lah Jannah Jakasha and Perutusan Asia for speaking up!

For a non-Muslim/non-Malay who can’t even speak like a native, we find it rather strange that a motivational speaker like Adam Khoo have the guts to write on a topic that we doubt he is familiar at all.

We have seen this many times where non-Malays and non-Muslims, speak of our communities and cultures like as though they are living it.

Studying our culture, religion, language, or even staying in a Malay or Muslim country doesn’t make you (non-Malay/non-Muslim) an expert in our cultures, languages, religion, and race. Those experiences just makes you have a better understanding of the intricacies. Makes you wiser.

So for now, don’t pandai-pandai (smart aleck).

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