Rasulullah (s.a.w) and his companions had a strong sense of dignity. They did not abuse and did not allow themselves to be abused. They negotiated peace without subjugating themselves.
When Rasulullah made sujud at the Kaabah and the Quraish placed camel entrails on his shoulder, he did not get up until his beloved daughter Fatimah removed it from him. When he stood up, he made doa against the Quraish. He is the Messenger of the Lord of all the worlds. He had a strong sense of dignity.
Today, Muslim leaders lack dignity. They accept being discriminated. They accept their community being abused. They subjugate themselves to those in power. They are thrown rubbish and they eat it up. They are supposed to be part of the Khairah Ummah. But act like the weakest of dayuth.
How far has this ummah fallen.
How low are the leaders.
Source: Zulfikar Shariff