Nak Kerja Kapal Perang, Tapi Tak Ada Dapur Halal? Takpa, Kerjalah Atas Kapal Dagang

I can’t change the direction of the wind,

but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination.

To my friends and family… yes most of us feel so much angry about the navy and their halal kitchen issue. We know and in-fact the minister himself knows that it just a lame excuse.

Hey, dont be so disheartened about that guys, what had happend semua nya ade hikmah. Allah knows what the best for us.

but it doesn’t stop us to voice out our frustration and also doesn’t stop us to excel ourselves in other sector.

Ye lah ade gak yang terkilan tak dapat masuk navy.. ade yg cita-cita dari kecik lagi. Time sekolah bila cikgu tanya dah besar nak jadi apa..kita iya iya dengan semangat “nak jadi captain atas kapal perang, Cikgu” Cikgu pun bagi semangat..ok bagus tu…kena belajar rajin2 tau…kita pun belajar lah rajin2, bapak tak mampu nak sambungkan kita sekolah, takpe, kita sekolah sambil bekerja part time.
Bila dah dapat semua Ilmu yg sepatut ade untuk apply Navy. Last last kena reject dengan alasan diberi takde halal kitchen. Tak ke terkilan…

Ilmu yg ade jangan lah disia-siakan, mohan pada Allah agar DIA tunjukkan jalan…

So sesiapa ade cita-cita nak jadi Captain kapal pergi lah website ni…/re…/tripartite-nautical-training-award/…/regi…/special-limits-officer-programme/

or gi Singapore Polytechnic apply Diploma in Nautical Studies.

Takpe lah terkilan nak kerja kat kapal perang pun takpe asalkan dapat kerja atas kapal walaupun kapal dagang…GAJI LAGI BESAR DARI KAPAL PERANG TAU! Alhamdullilah dapat jugak sara hidup keluarga. Asalkan halal.

Bagi yg nak join ingat NEVER GIVE UP! Nothing come easy, work hard for it. You will be there eventually.

Need advice on it can watsapp me +6590503933.

Maju Lah Singapura!


Source: Zack Shaman FB





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