Over the years, I’ve worked alongside several lovely Bangladeshi men who truly strive to be good Muslims & humans, when for Ramadhan, we volunteer to prepare iftar at the mosque. I’d find out their stories – a few were degree holders but came to work in the labour industry in Singapore because simply, it pays more than not having a job at all. They volunteer at the mosque as an act of service to others and for Allah. The sacrifices they make are plenty, and I can only give them respect and compassion in return. Ah, we take so many things for granted. Sometimes a smile or a friendly greeting from us really does lift their day!
To recognise the contributions of migrant workers in Singapore, and as an act of our gratitude for their hard work, Free Food for All , in collaboration with Angullia Mosque, will be distributing 2,500 packets of free halal meals to migrant workers at Serangoon Road on the 1st May 2016 (Labour Day). The distribution will be from 2.00 – 4.00pm (while stocks last)
We are targeting to raise $5,000 for this event. The meal costs about S$2 per packet. To donate, you may do it online at : www.giving.sg/free-food-for-all-limited or do a bank transfer to OCBC 689 398 691 001
We can also receive donations in kind like fresh produce, frozen items, eggs, cooking oil and rice. You may contact Nizar at 96567280 or nizar@freefood.org.sg
Please help us to help our Community and give thanks to our Migrant Worker Community. Feel free to share! ❤
Source: Atikah Amalina