Zulfikar Shariff: Racism Against Malay Community Finally Getting Attention

For the last 17 years…. PAP Malay MPs have blamed me for discussing how Malays are discriminated in Singapura.

I have been threatened, abused, attacked…

They said I should not raise these issues.

That we should compromise.

Give and take.

That I should encourage the community to support them so their party would see them as being relevant and they can do more.

That discrimination is isolated.

And now….we are starting to hear regular cases of discrimination.

These cases are becoming common not because society is becoming more racist.

But because the Malays used to accept being discriminated and kept quiet.

We did not have any avenue to raise it.

The media would not publish anything beyond government narrative.

The Malay MPs would reject, ignore and give platitudes when told of racism.

Malay organisations are powerless and (still) do not want to affect their standing.

But now with social media…we are beginning to see how Malays are actually treated.

And it is when we start to speak up, when we reject these discriminatory practices…

When we resist…

That we will finally be able to change the situation Insha Allah.

Racism has been ingrained in Singapuran society and institutions for years…

It finally is getting the attention it deserves.


Source: Zulfikar Shariff

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