Kenneth Jeyaretnam: WP Helped PAP Kill Democracy In Singapore

I note lots of bloggers and activists putting out the Hansard of the contempt bill. This is mindless propaganda. Any bill is going to get passed BECAUSE of decades of WP leadership undermining parliamentary democracy by ensuring that PAP always have a 2/3 majority.

WP are no heroes here. Speaking in parliament about a bill they know is going to be passed is a no risk situation for them. As is every move by WP.

If we had seen any action from WP before this bill was posited or indeed fierce objection to any amendment of the constitution over the past decades then they would have a right to preach.

By ensuring the status quo can never be challenged they have killed our democracy.

Stop wasting your words. PAP will, can and do make anything they chose into Law.


Source: Kenneth Jeyaretnam

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