Ahmad Stokin: Financial Advisers Are Fake And Insincere, Don’t Let Them Lick Your B****!

Got a call fm a lady who claims to be fm Prudential. She was polite,friendly and all. Started to introduce non stop I had to cut in -“excuse me pls, 1st tell me where you get my number fm?”

She “Oh from our data base” then she continues bla bla bla “are you working,retired or?”

Me “I’m 59 years old not retired,but I dont hv a proper job”

She “Oh in that case errrr this product is only for people with CPF mthly contributions” and suddenly cut off convo, WaterPark!!!!

So why do you think I hate such people. Maybe not all of them but these are the people who make a living thru unsincere smiles and friendly gestures. They can instantly change fm goody friendly sales persons to bitches and morons the moment they knew theyre wasting their own time.

But if they think they can make something out of you,They will go down low, very very low, So low they would even lick your balls!!

P.s. Sorry bitch, cant lick mine today, tomorow Ever!!!


Source: Ahmad Stokin

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