A Note For Struggling Musicians: Thank You For Inspiring Us

Random thoughts.

I’m sure everyone here agrees that it can be difficult surviving as a musician especially in SG ( or well perhaps anywhere else in the world to be fair ) . I get asked alot if i could survive solely as a musician and the answer is “yes !! ” . My way is not the only way possible and there are definitely many other musicians that i know who are doing a much better job at this. (P.s!! i’m a nobody and pls treat this post as a random long comment )

There are also a number of ppl who are still trying to break in and i would like to say that it is possible and don’t ever give up on your dreams . Hard Work always pay off. Keep believing in yourself.

I see my peers and some of my musician friends working really hard and trying to make a difference in whatever they do and i just wanna say thank you for inspiring , for being so passionate about your music and for being the hardworking you . Be it your originals or being in a cover band , sessionists or even organizers , managers , sound engineers , music cafes or music club owners etc etc … everyone is making a difference . So to everyone who don’t get a thank u for all that hard work , here’s a little shout out to all of you . Thank you for the music and the opportunities and ooh keep all those videos coming. So informative and i love it. I’ll share it as much as i can .

I’m sure that you have definitely shed a tear at some point of your life and i just want you to know that you are greatly appreciated.

If you are reading this, i thank you . I know you’ll never get this few minutes of your life back haha. Sorry for the long post. This is just a random post . Sorry.. Good Night and Good Morning


Source: Md Yazzit

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