5 Reasons Why You Should Go To Geylang Bazar On The Eve Of Hari Raya
- Soak in the Hari Raya atmosphere!
- Get all the lelong items!
- Sebab dah jadi ritual every malam raya kena turun Geylang Bazar!
- Because the only time that you get to go to the bazar again is next year!
- Boleh beli last minute decorations/necessities for raya
5 Reasons Why You Should Not Go To Geylang Bazar On The Eve Of Hari Raya
- Too crowded lah
- Watch all the raya dramas and shows lagi best!
- Tolong masak-masak or kemas-kemas rumah lagi berfaedah
- Save money, later see a lot of lelong items, semua nak beli!!!
- Dengar takbir dekat rumah lagi baik
Last but not least, Selamat Hari Raya from Rilek1Corner!