Malays are Holding Key Appointments in MINDEF and SAF

There still exist, in e larger community, the misconception that Malays do not hold Key Appointments in e Military. And Malays are passed over when it comes to Promotion and consideration for sensitive appointments.

In many cases, all these hearsay is from baseless tongue wagging unverified claims.

Today as I go to work, I know I’m sitting in a position that affects how our soldiers train, the facilities they will use in future, the way we carry out our business.. And yes I am Malay and I am doing what most people in my community think, is a job that Malays will never sit in.

At the same time, my fellow Malay friends and seniors are sitting in Key positions of Command as well in offices in e Ministry of Defence, doing again, what most people in my community think, Malays will never do.

The organization that I have gladly served for the past 14 years, has never been biased nor have never judged me based on my race. It’s who best fits the job.. And if there is someone who fits e job better than me, I will gladly let him have the job.

Henceforth, please eradicate all notions that Malays will never go far in e Military. Because I work with people everyday, who prove this theory wrong.

We succeed because of e values and ethics we hold..
And if we fail, it will be because we didn’t try hard enough.. And not because of e color of our skin.


Authored by Ryhan Husainni




We are glad to see more and more Muslims opening up and sharing their life experiences with fellow Singaporeans especially on issues that are generally swept under the carpet. Seems like people in the civil service don’t really brag about their work and what positions they hold. Maybe they are not allowed to do so or perhaps it is in the SOP.

Well, it takes few brave ones to clear misconception and make the general public more aware of the real situation.

Rilek1Corner would like to wish Ryhan Husainni all the best in his future endeavours. 


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