Tag Archive: Malays

Zulfikar Shariff: Malays Who Voted For PAP Weakened Community’s Bargaining Power

Shortly after the last general elections, I discussed voting decisions with some Muslims who voted for the PAP. Interestingly, these Muslims justified their vote for the party as though it would benefit Muslims. Their arguments were based on: 1. Yes,…
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Mufti: Usaha Semua Pihak Perlu Bagi Raih Manfaat Penuh Sokongan Pemerintah

Sokongan pemerintah untuk subjek sekular akan dapat bantu madrasah mencapai lebih banyak kemajuan. Namun, ini memerlukan kesungguhan dan usaha semua pihak iaitu Majlis Ugama Islam Singapura (Muis), masyarakat serta pihak pentadbir madrasah. Mufti Dr Mohamed Fatris Bakaram berkata demikian ketika…
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