Tag Archive: Muslim

Pondan Shinta Ratri: “Hasil Pelacuran Dan Seks Rambang Semuanya Diterima Tuhan”

Pondok Pesantren Waria Al-Fatah, satu-satunya madrasah pengajian agama yang dikhaskan untuk golongan pondan atau dipanggil sebagai waria (gabungan wanita dan pria) di Indonesia. Menurut pengasasnya Shinta Ratri, “Islam menerima golongan transgender kerana Islam merupakan rahmat untuk seluruh alam.” Tambah mak…
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Owner Of Another Laundrette: Chinese Customer Sends In Laundry With Pork Traces

Regarding the Muslim-friendly laundrette in Johor Bahru, which has recently been flamed because it only caters to Muslim customers, and not accepting other non-Muslim customers (background story: http://rilek1corner.com/2017/09/27/sultan-johor-response-to-muars-muslim-only-laundrette-nonsense-this-is-not-a-taliban-state/), a comment from a previous laundrette owner mentioned the following: “Pengalaman kami…
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Abam Marah And Cakap Orang Singapore Bodoh Tak Tahu Menilai Mana Melayu Islam, Mana Melayu Christian

Recently, there has been a viral Whatsapp message saying that there is a Malay Priest from Singapore doing a road tour in Malaysia. Accordingly, the message spread like wildfire in Whatsapp, especially among our Malay/Muslim community, because majority of Malays…
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