Zulfikar Shariff: Israel Is A Political Entity All About Oppression, Not Religious Diversity

Some friends posted about the Israeli embassy iftar in Singapura a few days ago.

I think it is terribly unfortunate that Muslims attended that event.

If they are forced to attend, then I can understand it.

But for those who attended out of their own accord…why?

Some of those who attended argued it is about accepting religious diversity.

That argument shows how flawed their position is.

Israel is not about religion.

It is a political entity. It is a political creation that at its very core is about dispossession and oppression.

We can respect and have affection for the Jewish communities.

But do not confuse the state of Israel with those who believe in Judaism.

By conflating Judaism with Israel, they are insulting all the Jewish communities that reject the atrocities that Israel perpetuates.

Those who attend out of their own free will should know that their participation will not help Palestinians.

The Israeli embassy in Singapura does not have the authority to influence Israeli policies or stop its violence…

Or will it relay your personal concerns to the Israeli government.

All you do is legitimise Israel and its behaviour.


Source: Zulfikar Shariff

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