The video claims to be a “featurette film celebrating Singaporean lingo”, and thus it already wins the award for the most disconnected motif. What in the world do 50 supercars, a troupe of dancing millennials and a whole cavalcade of cleavage have to do with the patois adopted by everyday Singaporeans?
Let’s break it down.
That’s cool, you mentioned all the languages spoken by our people. But where’s the actual racial diversity in this video?
Nope, nope, nope. Singapore is, and will not be represented by a private jet in a private hangar heralded by youths donning overpriced street-formal wear.
This is giving us a very confusing boner.
“WALAO EH. You go order your fifth Ferrari, you bojio me”
*Disclaimer: Not actual heartland
*Still not actual Pasir Ris heartland
You love colloquial Singaporean English like how you love flaunting your luxury supercar that only 17% of Singaporeans can afford?
Who the fuck wrote these lyrics…
Singapore experienced a brief millisecond of tremor as thousands of our pioneers rolled in their graves. Hashtag Godawful.
You spelled “cringeworthy” wrong, bro.
Roll credits. Well-intentioned; piss poor execution. Try again in the next 50 years.