Emeritus Senior Minister Goh Chok Tong has urged Singaporeans to give the currentGOVERNMENT a good mandate and not be distracted by the Opposition.
The former Prime Minister (PM) was speaking on Wednesday (Aug 26) at the unveiling of the People’s Action Party (PAP) slate for Marine ParadeGROUP Representation Constituency (GRC), which is expected to face a challenge from the Worker’s Party (WP).
Commenting on the WP, Mr Goh said there was a “certain arrogance” about the opposition party. He addressed a wide range of topics during the introduction.
Here is a selection of hisQUOTES:
“I’ve travelled all over the world as PM. I know the impact of politics on people’s lives … I came to the conclusion that we can categoriseGOVERNMENT into three categories: The good, the bad, the ugly.
“As you can see now, in many countries in the world, there are ugly governments. We are lucky that we have a good Government. So I look at this election as a mandate for the Lee Hsien Loong Government.
“If the Government doesn’t get a good support, you’re repudiating what they’re doing. It’s very important that you give them a very clear signal and support their agenda.”
“Opposition parties come and go like nomads. Nomads will not have anINTEREST in the people’s welfare. A new tribe is coming – do they really have interest in Marine Parade’s welfare?
“Having spent forty years there, the residents know me. I will leave it to them to decide whether I’ve done a goodJOB or not.
“The opposition will be there just throwing all kinds of distractions.
“You know the fable of the rooster that crows when the sunrises? The rooster goes around claiming that it’s the crow causing the sun to rise. So that’s what they’re doing.”
“Strength is relative. They (WP) are stronger than NSP (National Solidarity Party) – there’s no doubt about it – but there is a certain arrogance about them.
“With that arrogance will they be able to replace me and my team? Let them try.
“Are we worried that WP is coming to MP? Look at the way they run their Town Council’sFINANCES and look at the way we run (ours).
“You decide – who do you want to manage your town council?”
“I’ve fought nine General Elections. I could have retired … (I’m) the only pioneer generation leader left in politics. When PM (Lee) asked me to stay, I felt duty bound to contribute.
“Chuan-Jin has beenWORKING hard as the anchor minister and he is leading the Marine Parade team to fight the elections. Chuan-Jin is a member of the fourth generation leadership team.
“Will I be running the next election after this? I want to have theOPTION to retire. So, I hope that Chuan-Jin will give me the option to retire.”
Source: www.channelnewsasia.com