Walid J. Abdullah: Islam Always Quick To Be Blamed For Terrorism

A few days after the murder of Jo Cox, most of the major media outlets (local or foreign) still have not characterized the attack as an act of terrorism.

Imagine if it was a brown, Muslim man who had done the exact same thing. These same outlets would have had a field day. Experts – or as Dr Saroja terms them, ‘Islam-perts’ – would appear to give their opinions on what is wrong with Islam. Politicians would pounce on the opportunity to push their various narratives. Muslims would then go on various platforms condemning the attacks, stating that Islam is a religion of peace.

But no need for all of that, since the perpetrator is not a Muslim. No need for deep discussions on radicalism, extremism or ‘Reformation(s)’.

One does not need to have the mind of a conspiracy theorist to understand that there are double standards, hypocrisy and unfairness when it comes to Islam, and Muslims.

And to compound matters, Muslims are called to condemn extremism in the most vociferous of voices, and to categorically state our opposition to terrorism. Each and every time. While others are not.

This, in spite of the fact that Muslims – from scholars to politicians to the lay person – repeatedly disavow terrorism and engage in all sorts of initiatives to combat it.

Sure, the media’s purpose is, at the end of the day, to make money or support particular political positions. And it would be foolish to expect them to be ‘balanced’.

But surely it is not too much to ask from the average person to exercise a little more discretion in accepting information? And to judge someone by his/her own actions, rather than that of others?

So the next time you go through an airport security screening, do spare a thought for the bearded, brown dude who is miraculously always selected for a ‘random’ check.


Source: Walid J. Abdullah

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