Advice From A Taxi Driver – Happiness Can Be Found In Being Able To Adjust And Adapt To External Changes


Taxi drivers are no doubt one of my favourite bunch of people to speak to because they not only meet many people from all walks of life, but most of them have a totally different kind of life before they took on the title of ‘Uncle Taxi’.

Earlier tonight, I was blessed to have taken a ride in a cab driven by a very intelligent man. He may have eavesdropped on my conversation but I was happy he did.

Our conversation centred on how he ended up behind the wheel.

Here I had at the wheel, a 60yr old gentlemen with an MBA who used to be GM of Kodak and Regional Manager of HP, driving me home. A man, more intelligent, more educated and much more accomplished than me.

And through my conversation with him, I discovered that while he was laid off after taking a 50% pay cut, this is a man who did what was necessary to continue to live life and to be happy.

Because my takeaway from this conversation with him was really, to adjust and adapt ourselves according to situations/environmental changes and to be happy.

And that’s how we live fulfilling lives.

Because he certainly wasn’t complaining about how difficult life was. He was more like, ‘suck it up, move along, life must go on’.

At the end of our journey, I wished I could sit down with him over a cup of coffee because I didn’t want it to end so soon. We parted ways with him wishing me the best of luck for my business and I couldn’t help but think about how much I had benefited from his sharing as good life advice compared to the $30 cab fare.

Feels like I paid $30 to listen to such wonderful life story and life advice rather than to pay for a ride home.


Source: Ab Di Lar

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