I’m a true blue Singaporean & am thankful to be born here. Singapore is where it is today due to Good Leadership, Hardworking Singaporeans & most importantly Unity amongst the various races.
So, I was a bit surprised when the Government designated the 2017 Presidential Election to be a Reserve Election for the Malays only. Although the Government’s intention is noble to ensure multi-racialism enshrined in the Elected Presidency, many Singaporeans I’ve known are not in favour of it. The Head of State should be a unifying figure commanding the respect of all Singaporeans. This could only be done through free and unregulated elections. Too many requirements should not be imposed thereby limiting the aspirations of Ordinary Singaporeans that one day they could be Presidents as well.
My humble request to the Government is to make the 2017 Presidential Election an open one for all races. Give the choice to Singaporeans to decide who they want their President to be & who will make Singapore Proud.
Majulah Singapura.
Nallakaruppan S started this petition with a single signature, and now has 383 supporters. Start a petition today to change something you care about.
Source: www.change.org