Love Sungei Road? #iloveSungeiRoad, Give Development The Middle Finger

“I Love Sungei Road” so I spent a Saturday afternoon trying to get the vendors to express their loss and anger at having to lose their rice bowl but all except for two vendors were unwilling or afraid to show their displeasure. It is a documentation of a state of mind, of fear of speaking up and the invisible OB markers.

I know, I know it will most likely be a lost cause, but I’m not ready to give up without trying. I feel for the place and only hope that it can somehow be saved.

It is a place I used to visit as a youth to pick up rare and vintage sneakers in an inexpensive bid to set myself apart from my peers who were splurging hundreds of dollars on limited release apparel. A place I visited for really cheap albeit slightly mouldy camera equipment as a student. It is also where I found a rare copy of Versace’s lookbook featuring work shot by the legendary Richard Avedon for $1 !!! Where do we go when it is closed? How many of the hawkers would get help and subsidised rental when its gone? 🙁

So #iloveSungeiRoad with your middle fingers if you feel that Singapore is changing too fast and if you feel for the hawkers and vendors being left behind in our push to change everything good and authentic.

Send in yourself with middle fingers at Sungei Road and I’ll publish them on instagram as well as here. Do send your images to

Thank you for your support!


Source: Matthew Teo

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