Tag Archive: Islam

Why Didn’t PAP Malay MPs And Ministers Defend Perkampungan Melayu Geylang Serai From Being Demolished?

The house where LKY has stayed during his lifetime has so much interest that his son wanted to preserve it. Just one man. Geylang Serai Perkampungan Melayu where the whole of the Malay Community gathers, conduct events, congregate, shops and…
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Farid Khan Kaim Khan, Chairman Of Bourbon Offshore Asia Pacific, Said To Be Mystery Presidential Candidate

The mystery candidate said to be considering running for the Presidency is Mr Farid Khan Kaim Khan. He is the chairman of marine service provider Bourbon Offshore Asia Pacific. Four men were at the Elections Department on Friday (June 16)…
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Masjid Omar Kampong Melaka: Singapore’s Oldest Mosque And First Place Of Worship

From a distance, Masjid Omar Kampong Melaka looks like any other mosque. However, if a visitor were to walk through its doors, he would not only find himself in Singapore’s oldest mosque, but also its very first place of worship….
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Dalam 3 Minggu Sahaja, 5.7 Juta Jemaah Sudah Tunaikan Ibadah Umrah Ramadan

Seramai 5.7 juta jemaah menunaikan ibadah umrah sejak awal Ramadan dan 5.2 juta daripada mereka sudahpun pulang ke tanah air masing-masing sejauh ini. Menurut laporan Saudi Gazette, para jemaah itu datang dan pulang melalui pelbagai laluan keluar udara, darat dan…
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