Tag Archive: PERGAS

MUIS Dan PERGAS: Nabi Muhammad SAW Harus Dijadikan Kayu Ukur Dalam Reaksi Kepada Insiden Charlie Hebdo

PEMERINTAH tidak akan membenarkan pengedaran penerbitan yang memaparkan karikatur Nabi Muhammad saw seperti yang dilakukan malajah satira mingguan, Charlie Hebdo, mahupun apa sahaja kandungan sensitif dari segi agama. Ini ditegaskan Penguasa Pembangunan Media (MDA). Dalam pada itu, Menteri Bertanggungjawab bagi…
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Singapore In The Anti-IS Coalition: A Missed Opportunity

Bismillahirrahmanirrahim I’ve debated whether to post this. Decided I should. In the last few weeks, there was an issue that was extremely important for the Muslim community here to address. Yet as a whole, we did not. For whatever reasons….
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Jihad al-nikah Atau Jihad Seks Bertentangan Dengan Ajaran Islam

MEREKA sanggup menggadai jiwa dan menjual maruah sebagai wanita demi memuaskan nafsu anggota militan IS di medan perang di Syria. Itulah pengorbanan segelintir wanita, termasuk tiga wanita warga Malaysia, kononnya bagi ‘berjihad’ dengan memenuhi keperluan batin anggota militan itu. Mereka…
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Lee Hsien Loong: MUIS Collecting Funds For Humanitarian Assistance to Gaza

In the last week, the armed conflict in Gaza has hotted up. Hundreds of people have been killed, mostly civilians, including many children and infants. The loss of innocent lives is tragic and painful. The Middle East is far away,…
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LGBT Issue: Obama Declaring War on Religion, Bullying People of Faith

Dear Mr. President, I write to you today as a concerned citizen of our great nation, standing as a witness against your historic actions on the morning of July 21, 2014, actions which I hope you will one day repudiate…
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