Why I Decide to Wear the Hijab?

Credit: Nura Fieza

Credit: Nura Fieza

Let me tell you a little story on why I decide to have them (hijab) on.


Before this I’ve been neglecting my prayers. Just like other young adults, I feel like I have the time of my life. Sitting and laying on my bed alone thinking about all of the bad things I’ve done, all the prayers I’ve missed.

Fear of the sins I’ve made in life. I’m not sure myself how sudden it was for me to feel all that at once when I did not really think of them as much as I did before the years. I also had strange feelings, mostly fears.. Like what if I don’t have much time to ask for forgiveness from my Creator. But the most terrifying feelings I felt was Death. I have no idea how it came about but in my mind it was always the thought of death. I can’t sleep at night. I couldn’t sleep, kept tossing and turning but the thought was always there that one day I stood up and tell myself; That’s it. I need to do something. 

Could clearly remember that I rushed to the toilet, take my Wudhu, recite every Du’a I could and begged for forgiveness. I’m scared upon the punishments. I need guidance. I feel like I missed HIM and I tell myself that I want to get closer to HIM. Maybe the thought of my sins makes me realized how sinned I am as a person for not doing my Salah (Prayers).

I’m not proud of who I was before so instead of pondering of the things I wish I could redo, I start back on my prayers and asked for guidance in life as well as forgiveness from my Creator. Then I realized maybe it’s a sign from Him, my Creator to bring me back to the path that I’ve been out of line from. I promise you, I had never felt this feeling before.. I felt peace. I felt a-new. The feeling I’ve never felt before and can’t explain how beautiful it was. I feel like I have company even when I’m lonely like I am all the time.

In every Du’a I prayed and I thanked Allah for the blessings and the guidance/light he had showed me. Which is to show me the right path. The right way of becoming a better Muslim, and a better child. Inshallah.

The thoughts of wearing Hijab is always been lingering on my mind but I feel that I’m still not ready because I feel that I’m still not good enough. But after weeks, Du’a and during the holy month of Ramdhan itself that I finally feel that I’m ready to take the next step. And I’m a Hijabi now. 🙂 I love the person I am now. I feel much respected. Alhamdulliah.

To continue reading Nura Fieza’s story, click on the link http://nurafieza-s.blogspot.sg/2014/07/may-peace-be-upon-you.html


Authored by Nura Fieza

To continue reading Nura Fieza’s story, click on the link http://nurafieza-s.blogspot.sg/2014/07/may-peace-be-upon-you.html

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