Syed Danial: Damanhuri Abas Has The Moral Courage To Be Upfront On Issues Affecting The Malay-Muslim Community

The GRC concept has attained its goal of ensuring minority representation in parliament. In the sense there are roughly a proportionate representation of the SG population in parliament that belongs to the minority races.

But that’s where it ends.

For decades now, we see the phenomenon of minority candidates riding on the coattails of ministers n getting into parliament. Oftentimes not even having to go through the baptism of fire of the hustings during election, as they are part of uncontested wards.

Before election, they promise the world. They will fight for this n that rights. They will champion our causes. They will be our voices in parliament.

And when they finally get there, you see a completely different reality. They do not fight for our rights. When we start pushing for them, eg the hijab, we get the tiring response of they are doing ‘all they can’ behind closed doors. The community needs to be patient. There are other interests at stake.’ The good ol song and dance.

They have become effectively the MPs that champions rights. But not our rights. They serve with distinction. For the Prime Minister. And their party.

To an extent they no longer fulfill the functional role that they’ve been elected to do. They r there not to fight for our rights. They are there to explain govt policies to the community. Essentially they r there as the govt’s representatives to the people. Not our representatives to fight for our causes.

And it’s not just the backbencher MPs. The greatest fulfiller of this role is the Minister in Charge of Muslim affairs. Dr Yaacob has consistently shown when push comes to shove, he takes the position of the govt.

Not the community.

He should be renamed Minister in Charge of Explaining Government Policies to Muslims.

And then there’s the second Malay full Minister. Mr Masagos has also shown consistently he’s there to do the bidding of the govt. So he was used to make policy pronouncements that are beneficial to the govt. But are against the wishes of the community. Case in point joining the coalition to bomb Iraq and Syria. The community is against Islamic State. But there’s a HUGE difference between being against IS and being part of a coalition that bombs more Muslim countries. A vast majority in the MMC is against joining. Yet Minister Masagos toes the govt line. He explains govt polices, rather than champion our causes.

I could go on n on. But I think the point is made.

Our minority MPs represent the govt and their party.

Not us.

Then comes bro Damanhuri.

He has come across as a candidate who has the moral courage to speak his mind on issues close to the hearts of Malay Muslims in SG. His rhetoric captures our imagination. Beyond just speeches, he has an excellent trek record of service to the community.

So he comes across as genuine.

The real deal.

And he has redefined for us the role of minority representation in a GRC. The minority MP is there to voice the concerns and interests of the community. To champion our causes to the govt. And he hits the hammer on the head when he says we need to put such people in parliament. Else, we can shout till we’re hoarse outsider parliament. It will just be ignored. Worse still, token statements of
Reassurances given that they would ‘work behind close doors’ to solve the issues.

It is my fervent desire bro Daman gets elected. And I hope residents of MarsilingYT rise to the occasion.

In the longer term, I think Pandora’s box has been opened. I call it the ‘Damanhari effect’.

Henceforth, that will be the prototype of the archetypical minority MP.

One with outstanding credentials of service to the community. Not Juz hi academic ability but completely out of touch with the community. We have such people in parliament now.

Beyond a trek record of service, the moral courage to fight for our rights.

To be our champions in parliament.

Not there to merely explain policies to us



Source: Syed Danial

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