Mizi Wahid: Respect And Tolerance Is Important Whichever Mazhab You Follow

I majored in Islamic Law for my degree. And one of the things we learned about was on Mazhabs (which essentially refers to Schools of Thought). My biggest takeaway from it was not of obsession towards one particular school of thought, or even the rejection of all.

Instead, the most profound lesson I gained, was from appreciating the beautiful character of the scholars who were the “founders” of their Mazhab.

Their individual opinions differed. Their reasonings weren’t the same. And the criteria used for the process of deriving rulings and arriving to conclusions were varied.

But some things stood out amidst the differences. Respect. Tolerance. Mercy. Objectiveness. And humility.

Were there disagreements? Yes. But there were also compliments. Were there conflicting ideologies? Yes. But there were no expectations to appease.

For those who know me well enough will tell you, that I’m not the kind of person who likes to keep lessons confined to one discipline (and you may be too). First, I’ll try to see where else in the world am I seeing something similar taking place. And secondly, how these lessons can be applied in other parts of my life.

What I’ve discovered is that in every area of our work and relationships, there are Mazhabs.

When young parents believe in raising their own children a certain way, while their parents or in-laws believe in doing it differently. After all, “You ended up OK today.”

When nursing mothers who believe in doing things 100% natural, disagree with those who are a bit more flexible – things can get pretty nasty. My wife has shown me some of the “discussions” in some group pages. Imposing views – is an understatement.

When you find it uncomfortable seeing others posting photos or updates about personal religious practices, but you are fine posting updates about your new bag, new car, new house, your voluntary work, or an unplanned good deed that you did today. Mazhabs.

When certain entrepreneurs believe strongly in working long hours and over the weekends, while others believe in the chill-by-the-beach concept – again, just different Mazhabs. Those who hustle feel alive when they do. While the other group simply believes that their businesses should be giving them more life, instead of draining it all away.

So, in politics you see Mazhabs. In leadership you see Mazhabs. In school you see Mazhabs. In healing and medication you see Mazhabs. The list goes on and on.

I must add that scholars of Mazhabs respect and acknowledge their peers because they know that the opinions are based on sound research, a trusted process, and the integrity of the individuals. I just hope that respect, mercy, tolerance, and humility will prevail in the end.

ps/ for those who don’t subscribe to a particular school of thought, Lo and Behold! That is also a Mazhab



Source: Mizi Wahid

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