PAP Dreaming: When Empathy Was Not Needed

Two of the PAP’s characteristic behaviour is a lack of empathy and total loyalty to their party even when they are clearly in the wrong.

We can see such behaviour especially, when PAP Ministers and members try to defend themselves or their party’s policies.

From comments that the elderly collect boxes to exercise, that if they had waited to meet with Benjamin Lim at home rather than at school, he could have molested someone else, that the hijab can be problematic, these politicians show how they are insensitive and lack the common touch.

And when their party’s policies are questioned, they take the apathetic approach in their responses.

Shanmugam’s speech in parliament when he addressed Benjamin Lim’s death shows how disconnected he is.

Rather than acknowledge the flaws in interrogation procedures for minors, he insinuated that Benjamin could have molested someone else if they waited just a couple of hours.

The insinuation was uncalled for.

Shanmugam’s attempt to defend police procedures resulted in such a terrible reference on a child who should still be assumed to be innocent.

In the hijab case, Yaacob Ibrahim said Muslimah wearing the hijab in certain professions will be problematic. Masagos argued that we should sacrifice hijab for multiracialism.

Again, the PAP’s defence of the policy led to callous remarks. Both Malay ministers not only support their party’s policy, they made statements that showed how much they lack empathy for Muslim ladies who wear the hijab.

This insensitivity is reflective of a party that is intellectually and emotionally bankrupt.

Rather than acknowledge their mistakes or seek ways to accommodate differences, the PAP chose a legalistic, uncaring approach.

But the problem is not with Shanmugam or Yaacob Ibrahim or Tan Chuan Jin.

The PAP’s culture is based on how it behaved from its founding.

Lee Kuan Yew was known for verbally and politically attacking anyone who disagreed with him.

He would use the full force of the law against those who challenged him.

The socio-political system today is not the same as it was during Lee Kuan Yew’s leadership of the PAP.

But the party’s culture has remained.

While most in Singapura used to keep quiet out of fear, today many have stood up to question the PAP.

I am sure that for some PAP members, they dream of the good old days when we used to keep quiet and accept everything the PAP says and do.
But instead, they now have to respond.

They do not seem to like it.

And the lack of empathy bears evidence to how much they dislike having to respond and to how disconnected they really are.


Source: Almakhazin SG

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