Ustaz Irwan Hadi: Having Young Children Join Terawih Is Blessing, Not A Curse

Praying our terawih in congregation and the fact that we cannot sometimes maybe focus fully becoz there are children crying are but to nurture in us empathy and compassion..One of the wisdom in my view of jemaah or congregational prayers is for us to learn to live cohesively. Although I admit it starts first with tolerance then it turns hopefully into empathy n compassion. Wouldnt we rather our children be acquainted to the mosque..Wouldnt we rather hear their laughter cries and chatter in the house of God or would we rather them stray away n be far from Him?

Remember Prophet’s ṣallallāhu ‘alayhi wa sallam (peace and blessings be upon him) empathy for mothers in the masjid, that was narrated by Anas bin Malik:

“The Messenger of Allah ṣallallāhu ‘alayhi wa sallam (peace and blessings of Allāh be upon him) said: ‘I start prayer and I want to make it long, but then I hear an infant crying, so I make my prayer short, because I know the distress caused to the mother by his crying.’” [Ibn Majah]

Havent we always heard about how the Prophet as an Imam extended his prostration (sujud) in a congregational prayer just becoz his grandchild was climbing on him?

(QUALIFIER: Even when I lead the prayers, the laughter and cries of children in the mosque during my prayers are more beloved to me then not hearing them:) at least I feel assured the next generations of believers are getting acquainted to God:) my posting is really for those who thinks children are nuisance in the mosques:))


Source: Irwan Hadi

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