A Thank You To PAP Supporters For Forcing PAP To Be Creative With Our Lives

I must admit, I never like PAP supporters. I’m actually jealous of them. When i look at them i always ask myself how can someone be so skillful in angkat buah? Like it is a full tull time job for them right until they are so well-versed.

But now i have a new-found appreciation for them.

It is not the opposition parties that keep PAP on their toes. It is actually their supporters right? Every single time PAP lose support from their own supporter base, they always become extra creative. Somehow after that, PAP will come up with some schemes to retain their supporters and to increase their vote share. This PAP creativity means that the Constitution is always updated. Don’t you feel thankful for that?

You ask yourselves, why was the NCMP (Non-Constituency MP) created? Why was the GRC scheme created? Why did they change the powers of the Elected Presidency back in 1994?

Now they want to make further constitutional changes to the Elected Presidency, to ensure minority representation even though for many years PAP keep harping on meritocracy. You know how stubborn they have been on their meritocracy but now suddenly, it is fine if we don’t hold on to this ‘meritocracy” too tightly. Wah the minorities must be very grateful for this.

How did that happen? of course because of PAP supporters lah.

So thank you PAP supporters for carrying their balls and squeezing their balls and forcing to be creative with the live of Singaporeans.


Tak Kuat Angkat Buah

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