There is method in the madness.
The ‘jubah sado’ (traditional Arabian attire for the muscularly-built) posting serves as an effective (methinks) preamble to the point I wish to make.
Friends, in this ‘post-truth’ era, I think there’s a certain assumption that if one has conservative views, then he is not in touch with modernity. He is somewhat backward. Worse still, he is somehow linked to ‘extremism’.
This is of course not true. I can’t believe I’m typing this. It’s worth makin it explicit. One can have views steeped in conservatism and still be in touch and quite adept with modernity – be it in embracing technology, being in the forefront of entrepreneurship, academia etc.
Bringing me to my main point.
We live in an era of so much fasaad. Right has become wrong and vice versa.
Like it or not, that’s the environment we operate in. I feel in such an environment it really doesn’t help that a person whose views are conservative and steeped in the more than fourteen centuries of Islamic scholarship…. Also look severe and unsmiling. In a nutshell unapproachable.
Again it may not be true. The person could be very friendly and kind.
Fair or not, its the image of the conservative chap.
In the interest of furthering the Dawah (invitation) why can’t we appear less ‘severe’? I bring up the ‘jubah sado’ to illustrate this point. Bear in mind we live in an age where it’s ok to be half naked in a foam party or dancing on bar tops. But wearing the jubah or thoube is considered ‘Arabism’ and somehow backward.
Let’s celebrate our conservative values. If we are comfortable with it wear the jubah. Heck u don’t have to look so ‘severe’. I think it’s fine to jazz it up a little. There’s the jubah sado. Or the hooded Moroccan thoube. You get the idea.
And very importantly let’s Smile more. I think we can all agree that’s the Sunnah (way) of Prophet Muhammad. And prophet Jesus, too, for that matter.
So even in our dressing InshaAllah let dawah be our niyah. Wear cool stuffs. Smile more. And engage in meaningful conversations, putting across our principled stances with mauithatun Hasanah – beautiful preaching.
Yeah and by the way, I see nothing wrong with the jubah pahlawan. ?
?Even the pink ones. Real men wear pink. They Juz don’t subscribe to the ideology of Pinkdot.
Source: Syed Danial