Netizen From Elite Schools Sincerely Apologises To K Shanmugam

I have spent several days reflecting on my conduct, in putting up a commentary that was neither accurate nor honest.

I made a FB post on 24 April which misstated Minister Shanmugam’s views. I attributed to him views the very opposite of what he held, and then criticized him in a sneering tone.

When the Minister pointed out (through his FB), that I got my facts wrong, I sent him an apology that was a non-apology. The apology was insincere, and self-exculpatory – I tried to claim I was commenting on the headline and not his remarks, when my comments clearly showed otherwise. [When I sent the apology, to make my apology appear true, I also deleted some comments I had made in my FB, which showed that I was in fact commenting on his remarks].

Having thought further, I have written, as below, to the Minister, to convey my unreserved apology:

‘Dear Minister,

On deeper reflection, I realize my first apology was insincere. I am therefore writing now to apologize unreservedly. I had misrepresented your views in the Today article, and had presented them in a careless, thoughtless and flippant way. To make things worse, my apology was self-exculpatory. I accept that my criticism of your views was untruthful, unfair and unsubstantiated. I have let the LKY School down. But above all I’m sorry for my original post; it was impulsive and reckless.’

Many do not know this, but when I was out of a job in 2012, it was Minister Shanmugam who spoke with me and offered his help. He then put in a good word for me with LKYSPP, and gave me a recommendation. I decided that I should come clean about someone who had in fact helped me, and I should set out the facts in public.


Source: Donald Low

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