Full-Time Government Madrasah for Muslims in the future; Is it even possible?

Could we have a full time government madrasah instead of government school for our Muslim community in the future?

For it to be supported by the government, will it require non-Muslims’ involvement in the madrasah set up, be it management, teachers and students? If so, are the chances of it happening now gone?

Since there is a possibility of non-Muslims’ involvement, will there also be non-Muslim students in the government madrasah as well? Will the experience be similar to how Muslim students studied at Christian schools? And what about the uniforms for the non-Muslims?

Some might ask, why should there be a government full time madrasah? Just how many asatizahs are willing to teach in government school? Isn’t that not part of the intention in the first place? And if the asatizahs aren’t willing to go over, why would the other side decide to come to madrasah too?

Most importantly, will religious education still be the core business of the government funded full time madrasah?


What are your thoughts? Do you think there will ever be a full time government madrasah?



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