Tag Archive: Islam

Brave Muslimah Is An Inspiration to LGBT and PinkDot SG

Dear R1C, This is a response to an earlier Komentar post “A letter to Muslimah Sister Regarding her Support for PinkDotSG2014“ and an open address to Ms Adee Sadarli. —————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— Dear Ms Sadarli, I only wish that I will have half the…
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94% Singapore Muslims Are Against Same Sex Relationship

SINGAPORE — Religion is important to their identity, and Muslims and Protestant Christians are the two religious groups that are most affected by and most disapproving when friends or family members of the same faith give up their religious beliefs….
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SG Muslims Don’t Hate LGBTQ

Bismilaahirrahmaanirraheem… Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb. Dear My Muslim LGBTQ Brothers and Sisters… There’s something we need to confess to you. We, straight Muslims, do not hate you. In fact, we have never hated you. True, we may seem aggressive with our…
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