Hijab sticker in conjunction Singapore hijab movement seen on Facebook profiles of many Muslims who helped to spread the awareness
Dear R1C,
I would like to share something wonderful that I found over the weekend. I saw one of my friend shared a photo of a local Muslim butcher stall owner who pasted hijab movement sticker on the stall. The stall is located at Blk 4A Eunos Crescent Market & Food Centre S402004. I want to express how happy I am to see this. I believe more people should paste all these stickers at their work place, their food stalls, their home and even their car. As Muslims, it is our duty to spread this awareness.
As a proud Muslim, I am happy to find a growing number of Muslims who are supporting the hijab movement. Hijab is a command of Allah and every command of Allah is full of wisdom.
Wearing a hijab for me feels great. It definitely makes you feel different somehow as if your spirit is being up lifted. For myself I wear a hijab with guidance but also as I feel comfortable. I don’t try to push myself too hard but still stay within boundaries of what Allah would want.
I started by wearing the hijab and practicing how to wear it when going out with friends and incorporated a new wardrobe along the way as hijab is not just covering the head. I made people around me aware of my interest in Islam and that I was serious about becoming Muslim and in doing so following “it” and respecting Islam as much as I can and that means representing the faith and we should as well as Muslims following their book of guidance and Muhammad who was a great teacher.
Allah wants us to be protected from harm and get maximum benefit so keep in that in mind. It is all about believing in yourself and that you can do it. Take the hijab as a stepping stone to a new direction. Once you wear it you will understand that it is not difficult. You have to have the courage to wear it as it will protect your beauty.
Hijab is dignified, not dishonoured, noble, not degraded, liberated, not subjugated, purified, not sullied, independent, not a slave, protected, not exposed, respected, not laughed at, confident, not insecure, obedient, not a sinner, a guarded pearl, not a prostitute…
Khadijah Abdul Majid