AWARE, Liberal Islam, The Reading Group Organise Talk During Ramadhan


AWARE is organising a 3-Part Ramadan talk on Gender in Islam, and first session is on 4 July.

AWARE will be holding a series of presentations and discussions about the works of prominent Islamic scholars and their views on gender in Islam.

Dr Azhar Ibrahim Alwee, NUS and member of The Reading Group

Session 1: Malay Ideas on Women by Dr Azhar Ibrahim (Senior Visiting Fellow, NUS)

Throughout Malay intellectual history, there were several strands of thinking pertaining to gender and women’s role within the socio-cultural, political and religious spheres of the Malays. This presentation will highlight some of these thinking through early proponents of the modern era, such as Syed Sheikh al-Hadi, to later thinkers such as Hamka, Khadijah Sidek and the prominent Muslim feminist group, Sisters in Islam.

Friday, 4 July 2014
AWARE Centre
6.30pm to 9.30pm
Register for Session 1 here!

Assoc Prof Noor Aisha Abdul Rahman, NUS & member of The Reading Group

Session 2: Muslim Personal Law and Citizens’ Rights: The Case of Singapore
by A/P Noor Aisha Abdul Rahman (Head, Dept of Malay Studies, NUS)

Prevailing discourse on multiculturalism tend to focus on its merits in protecting the cultures and traditions of minority groups within the framework of the politics of accommodation. Less discussed are its implications on the rights and autonomy of members of the groups themselves who may be adversely affected by the arrangement. This presentation will focus on the problems arising from autonomy granted to the Muslim community of Singapore to determine its personal law, on some segments of the community, particularly in the arena of the Muslim law on marriage, divorce and inheritance.

Friday, 11 July 2014
AWARE Centre
6.30pm to 9.30pm
Register for Session 2 here!


Mohamed Imran Mohamed Taib is a social activist with The Reading Group, Singapore.

Session 3: Challenging Patriarchy: Early Reformist Responses
by Mohamed Imran (Associate Research Fellow, NTU)

Feminism and the struggle against patriarchy is not a new phenomenon in Muslim society. This presentation will trace some of the early ideas on feminism to the Egyptian context of Islamic reform in the late 19th and early 20th century. In particular, the ideas of seminal figures such as Rifa’ah al-Tahtawi, Muhammad ‘Abduh and Qasim Amin will be discussed.

Friday, 18 July 2014
AWARE Centre
6.30pm to 9.30pm
Register for Session 3 here!

Individual price: $8 for 1 person/session
Pair price: $14 for 2 persons/session

Price includes cost of catered food.
Prayer space is provided.





Liberal Islam, Progressive Muslims, and The Reading Group seems to be a popular choice among Muslims who are more ‘open-minded’.

Growing number of academics in NUS and NTU are also joining the band of liberal Muslims. 

What do you think of this development and trend? 

Share your opinion with us at Rilek1Corner.

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