Tag Archive: Malays

Malays are Holding Key Appointments in MINDEF and SAF

There still exist, in e larger community, the misconception that Malays do not hold Key Appointments in e Military. And Malays are passed over when it comes to Promotion and consideration for sensitive appointments. In many cases, all these hearsay…
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SG Chinese Woman Say Malays are Scumbags, Liability to Society That’s Why They Become Terrorists

Another racist Singaporean Chinese woman madeĀ uncouth and distasteful remarks on Malays and Muslims. Blogger and social media user @kimmeeoow on Instagram called Malays “scumbags” and a “liability to society“. She also mentioned that Muslims have “non babi brains” and she…
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The Tudung Issue: Open Letter to the Prime Minister

Dear Prime Minister, Wishing you a very Happy New Year. I hope that what I am going to say here will help to make you reconsider your stance with regard to several issues which the Malay Muslim community has long…
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Perlukah Kempen Pakai Baju Putih Untuk Tangani Isu LBGT dan PinkDot?

Salam Apa ada pada warna? Berbaju puteh bukan bermakna kita suci dan bersih dari sebarang dosa.. Dan berbaju pink tidakĀ bermakna, kotor dan jijik… Pelajar-pelajar Madrasah AlMaarif hari2 menggunakan warna pink dan putih? Adakah bermakna mereka menyokong LBGT dan pink dot…
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Time for Muslim MPs To Take a Stand on Malay and Muslim Issues

WP MP Faisal Manap raises some concerns of Muslims, as expressed in the Suara Musyawarah Report, in Parliament. Instead of addressing the issue head-on, PAP Muslim MPs tries to corner Faisal into taking a stand on the issue (which he…
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